
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

what's their in your child's tiffin today?

Participate to Win a Chance of a FREE NUTRITION CONSULTATION for your KID :)

You must be coming up with this question every morning while packing lunch for your picky, little eaters. What do I give my kid to eat in school today? And in order to make sure that kids consume adequately and not starve during the long day in school, the foods that finally find place in that cute boxes are chips, sweet buns, biscuits, bread butter, chocos and everything else apart from what your child should be eating : (
Every parent wants to see their children hail and hearty all throughout their life. But how is that possible? when you yourselves are pushing them in the depths of ill health!
Think over it.

At Poshan -  Cure thru Diet, we thought of helping you out with this.

We want you to think and come up with a simple, easy to make vegetarian tiffin box recipe for kids. Recipes will be rated on their nutritional value, taste and eye appeal. Also, write a short note on why you chose that particular recipe, its health benefits. 

Kindly submit your entries below this post as comment. Last day of Submission - 30th April, 2013

The winners of best 3 recipes shall be awarded a free consultation for Improving their Child's Nutrition for free, which is otherwise worth  $80 (worldwide) or INR 1200/- (India). The consultation will be provided through e - mail and on phone conducted by Poshan - Cure thru Diet Clinic, Mumbai. The Clinic is run by a professional Dietitian, Mrs. Ujjwala Baxi.

So what are you waiting for. You have nothing to lose. Everything to win. Participate and find out new recipes from your fellow participants. Who knows, they might get to learn from you ; )

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